Wednesday, 17 November 2010

How to eat a blueberry

Joshua loved blueberries at the weekend and even managed to show off his pincer grip by picking up each one, one by one, from his lunch tray. Click on the title below to see what he did. Listen out for his lovely chat at the end....we are sure he says Joshua!

Friday, 12 November 2010

The changing faces of Joshua

To celebrate his 8 month birthday today I thought it would be fun to post the monthly pictures we have taken of Joshua with his Teddy Bear, Jericho. It amazes me how much he keeps changing. The challenge today was getting picture when he was trying to dive off the Sofa or eat Jericho!

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Dedication Day 10/10/10

A month ago we had a lovely weekend with Granny & Gramps and Nana & Grandpop celebrating being Joshua's parents and having a dedication service at our Church. It was a lovely service, we had old and new friends with us and Joshua did so well, despite having not had a morning nap and then filling his nappy just before we went up on the platform. In fact it was even the first day he rolled from his front to his back (you can't stop him now!)
After the service we had a yummy lunch at Loopy Lorna's and then chilled out watching the Grand Prix in the afternoon. (Hover over the pics for the titles)

Monday, 8 November 2010

I'm back :-)

Ok, it has been too long, mainly due to a problem uploading photo's, having a baby and not finding enough time. But now, with an 8 month old who is not quite so demanding as he was and a newly repaired blog I am back to blog again. I imagine for now most of it will be all about Joshua so family and friends far away can keep up with his exploits but I am sure there will be a bit of other stuff appear too. So sit back and wait least this post anyway.
A few days old

5 months

Monday, 2 March 2009

Menu Planning Monday (I have to start back somehow!)

Ok so it has been too long without blogging. I guess I have to start back at sometime and as i have no mental energy just now to be overly creative I thought I'd start with what I did today.

Menu Planning.

Infact I did this in bed last night in an attempt to get ahead of myself today. This week I am on holiday. Much needed rest for my brain! It is also the crunch week for our current renovations. The Fireplace came this morning, the decorator comes on wednesday and Nigel is looking forward to this weekend as I go to a women conference and he gets to do uninterrupted DIY :-)

So i made a list of all the things I want to accomplish this week. Perhaps the list is a bit enthusiastic but in fairness some of it includes what I normally do so I have an extra 3 days (in theory) to get through the rest of it. Perhaps I'll fill you in on my progress as the week goes on.

So as it is a week of holiday I though I should do some things that I will enjoy. So the menu plan this week has  lots of new untested meals on it. Consequently there was a bit of a gulp at the checkout in the supermarket today. However many of the meals are for atleast 4 people and so there will be left overs for next week :-) I hope to try out a couple of Crockpot dishes for my new Slow cooker ( the fruit of some Christmas money) and make a few things we haven't had in a while.

Menu Plan:

Breakfast: Fend for yourself, Toast and Cereal

Lunch: Soup and Rolls most likely.


Mon: Sheperd Pie (this is now ready and smells good) with roast parsnips and frozen green beans

Tue: Griddled Tuna Steaks with Courgette and Pepper, served with Couscous (al a Ainslie Harriot)

Wed: Crockpot meal 1, Lamb Pilaf

Thurs: Spagetti Carbonara, cooked the proper way from scratch with eggs!(hmmm, have to see how this works out) served with salad and bread

Fri: Crockpot Meal 2: Honeypork served with RIce

Sat: Frozen Pizza (Nigel in on his own, and he wanted something quick and easy)

Sun: Fish Cakes, (I'll try to make these before we go to Church) salad and bread

Extras: Banana Loaf/Muffins (to use up the bananas that are trying to run out of the kitchen) and a batch of Cookies for Nigel to take to work.

So there we go. Now I have a new fireplace to polish, some routine chores to do and then a delightful evening of painting wood work. Enjoy your monday, do check back with me later in the week.

Monday, 20 October 2008

New emerging microphone technology and my husband :-)

Ok, so for a few years now Nigel has listened to me having conversations with my Dad (a fellow GP) and comment on the bizarre and foreign sounding medical jargon we often chat in. Well today I have watched him have a converstaion with the technical world online and not understand much of it either. All the same I think he looks and sounds great (but then i'm biased) You can check it out for yourself here. (press play on the little true mics video pane to make it work)

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Our NYC trip in 3 simple pictures

What an unbelievable trip we had this weekend to New York.  Memorable momments include the fabulous Lion King show, some great food in China Town, cupcakes from Union Square, resuscitating a collapsed man in Charles de Gaulle airport!, a lovely afternoon in central park on the boating lake and a close up view of the Statue of Liberty.

Here are some Nigel and Lindsay signature shots to story board our trip.

We had fun:-)

Monday, 18 August 2008

I'm an Auntie!!!

Well in the early hours of this morning (the exact due date) my Sister-in-Law Tami gave birth to the cutest baby I have ever seen. His lips are amazing. My little brother, Ross, is now a Dad!!!

Ethan Ross Anderson was born at 12.19 am today 18th August 2008, weighing in at 7lb 8oz.

Here are the pics to prove it :-)

Look at those little lips

What a cutie!

Monday, 4 August 2008


Here's a cool wee pic we took in Alnwick Garden last weekend amidst the water sculptures

Us reflected

A wonderful day

This weekend we took a trip to Cheltenham. I have never been before and it was lovely. Sadly we had little time to really see the place and so I sure we will go back. However the reason for being there was to go to a wedding. This wedding is one I have longed to be at for a very long time. My good friend from Uni, Al, found himself an absolutely lovely wife. When I say found I should clarifly that by saying that their story clearly points to the work of God in both of their lives. I have to say that I thought Nigel and I had a quick courtship but Al certainly knew what he had been given and what he wanted. So just about 3 months after they started dating he proposed in November 2007 on St Andrews beach and here, at the beginning of August 2008, they are now married. It was a wonderful sunny day , the service held at Becky's (Al's wife!) local family church and then in a marquee in her parents garden.

Now the reason for writing about this today is that I managed to take a picture that speaks of the joy wrapped up in the occasion. I know how it feels to wait for the one God has got for you but Al has waited that bit longer and remained faithful to God in that time of waiting. As he stood to give his speech he uttered those wonderful words..."On behalf of my wife and I....." this picture is the smile he gave as the applause went up. Praise God for His wonderful and timely provision.

On behalf of my wife and I

Here are a few more piccies:


Woolstone Church