Monday, 4 August 2008

A wonderful day

This weekend we took a trip to Cheltenham. I have never been before and it was lovely. Sadly we had little time to really see the place and so I sure we will go back. However the reason for being there was to go to a wedding. This wedding is one I have longed to be at for a very long time. My good friend from Uni, Al, found himself an absolutely lovely wife. When I say found I should clarifly that by saying that their story clearly points to the work of God in both of their lives. I have to say that I thought Nigel and I had a quick courtship but Al certainly knew what he had been given and what he wanted. So just about 3 months after they started dating he proposed in November 2007 on St Andrews beach and here, at the beginning of August 2008, they are now married. It was a wonderful sunny day , the service held at Becky's (Al's wife!) local family church and then in a marquee in her parents garden.

Now the reason for writing about this today is that I managed to take a picture that speaks of the joy wrapped up in the occasion. I know how it feels to wait for the one God has got for you but Al has waited that bit longer and remained faithful to God in that time of waiting. As he stood to give his speech he uttered those wonderful words..."On behalf of my wife and I....." this picture is the smile he gave as the applause went up. Praise God for His wonderful and timely provision.

On behalf of my wife and I

Here are a few more piccies:


Woolstone Church


  1. Lovely! Where in Cheltenham were you? I almost think that church looks familiar. Trevor will no doubt know it right away, but he's at work just now.

  2. In fact the Church is abut 7 miles out of Cheltenham in Woolstone and the reception was in Gotherington. Such pretty places. We drove through the centre of Cheltenham too and it looked lovely.
