Wednesday, 4 June 2008


This Friday marks a mommentous day for me. After 10 yrs of working in our church kids club I am leaving. Probably a good thing for them (fresh eyes etc) but for me it is hard, infact just getting the final allocation email was somewhat tear wrenching. This past year has been challenging but also amazing, we have seen new kids come along and an enthusiasm for worshipping God that has been so infectious. This is what will be really hard to leave.

I was just searching out some music ideas for a friend's summer Bible club and looked for "YouTube" footage of what has become an inspiring CD and set of worship songs for our club...... SuperStrong God by Hillsongs Kids.

My blogger role model and lovely friend Jodi has 2 lovely girls (the 3rd is not quite old enough to do it yet but is still lovely!) who demonstrate here how to enjoy what is probably one of my favorite worship songs now of all time. To show how well they do it, just watch the video version here on YouTube.

The truth of this song is so real, God has given us the Rainbow just to remind us that His promises are real and true. A great Object Lesson and what a great reminder at this time of change.

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