Saturday, 21 June 2008

My New Hoover!

Today was exciting, it started out as a quick trip to the local B&Q (DIY store) and ended up being a mammoth trip around the city culminating in the purchase of a new vacuum cleaner. For months now I have been hoovering the house in spurts. Our hoover has been sick for some time but lately it would only let me hoover for a certain amount of time. How much carpet I could cover in that time depended on how dirty the floor was and how speedily I moved around the house. Even then I could ususally only get the hallway, lounge and part of the dinning room done in one go. The hoover was then done for the rest of the day. This meant that hoovering the house could take all week! I tried not to complain but my husband knew the frustration I felt and so today we got a new one. And what a bargain it was. Not the Dyson we originally intended on getting but an LG. Even so my first attempt at using it was very exciting and I can't wait for monday (cleaning day!) to really give it a proper try.

Can you see my delight! :-)


The full view!The full view

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